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Want to take years off your face but don’t have the time for downtime following a full skin resurfacing?

A MicroLaserPeel offers impressive results at a fraction of the recovery time. Read below to find out more about this revolutionary skin treatment.

Patients interested in superficial skin resurfacing benefit from MicroLaserPeel. MicroLaserPeel treatments are completed using a Sciton laser that gently ablates and treats the outermost layer of the skin in order to administer an epidermal peel. It is stronger than a light chemical peel or microdermabrasion, but does not require the same recovery time and healing process as a full skin resurfacing.

This makes it a wonderful procedure for patients who live busy lives but want radiant, healthy skin in an effective and affordable manner.

A MicroLaserPeel is effective at treating a number of facial blemishes and concerns, including fine lines, scars, discoloration, and more. It works by using an advanced Erbium Yag laser to meticulously address one layer of skin at a time to produce uniform results. The laser precisely evaporates damaged skin cells that may make the face appear tired or older with minimal to no discomfort. Plus, the treatment can work at different levels, giving patients the option for a mild or more dramatic skin resurfacing. After recovery, patients will enjoy the benefits fresh, new skin free from years of damage.

We suggest patients consider the benefits of a MicroLaserPeel if they want a treatment that is stronger and more effective than most skin treatments, but does not require them to take a week or longer off of work. Many patients find they are able to return to work within three to four days after their MicroLaserPeel, and any redness can be addressed with the application of foundation. This is why the MicroLaserPeel is also sometimes referred to as “the weekend peel.”

The MicroLaserPeel can address several skin conditions including:

Fine lines and wrinkles
Scarring from surgery or acne
Pigmentation problems
Keratoses (pre-cancerous lesions)
The treatment is typically performed on the face and neck. However, it has also been proven effective in treating the chest and hands. Please inform your doctor during the consultation if you are interested in using the treatment for alternative areas.

Men and women who want skin resurfacing results more advanced than a microdermabrasion, but without the downtime associated with full skin resurfacing can benefit greatly from a MicroLaserPeel. It is a good option for patients who want to reverse the appearance of blemishes, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, and keratoses. However, it will not be effective at treating deep facial creases, such as nasolabial folds. It is also not designed to assist patients who have excess skin or a loss of volume in the face and these patients may find that they may benefit more from a facelift or dermal fillers.

In order to determine whether or not a patient would be a good candidate for a MicroLaserPeel, please request a consultation at either of our Massachusetts locations today.

During the initial consultation, one of our MicroLaserPeel experts will meet with the patient to discuss whether or not the procedure would be right for them. The doctor will ask the patient about their areas of concern and what they hope to achieve from a MicroLaserPeel. They will also inquire about routine medications and medical history in order to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for a MicroLaserPeel, or if a suitable alternative will serve better.

If the patient is a good candidate, the doctor will work directly with them to develop a comprehensive plan for the treatment.
For optimum results, MicroLaserPeel treatments are typically divided into three or four different treatments spaced a month and a half apart. However, depending on the current condition of the patient’s skin, some patients will require fewer treatments. The first treatment date will then be scheduled. Since patients typically require three to four days of recovery after a MicroLaserPeel, treatments are often scheduled at the end of the work week so they have all weekend to recover without the need to take time off from work.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend alternative or additional treatments depending on the patient’s skin and what they hope to achieve. We encourage patients to ask any questions that they think of at the time of the consultation, so that they are as comfortable as possible heading into their treatment. Contact us today at one of our Massachusetts locations to request your MicroLaserPeel consultation.


MicroLaserPeel eliminates imperfections on the skin’s surface to minimize rough texture, large pores, ance, and dark spots, for healthier, more youthful-looking skin. Patients often say their skin went from tired to vibrant with this light resurfacing treatment.

Zoom Scan can reach up to 300 microns of ablation per pass, with or without variable depth coagulation. For those patients who want to target the appearance of deep set wrinkles, rough texture, or scar tissue, deep resurfacing is a highly effective treatment that may delay or eliminate the need for more invasive procedures in the future.

There are many skin treatments that can combined to reveal radiant results, but the most popular enhancement technique is combining MicroLaserPeel with a Profractional Laser treatment. This treatment combination combats deep skin irregularities that may not be eradicated with a MicroLaserPeel alone. It is particularly effective at treating medium-deep scars, sun spots, and other deep layer damage not addressed by a MicroLaserPeel.

Another benefit of a Profractional is that it helps stimulate collagen production in the skin for long-lasting anti-aging benefits. Collagen is a vital component of the skin that adds volume to the cheeks and chin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and creases. Since marks on the skin are essentially collagen injuries, the procedure will be very good at removing these nicks and scars.

Feel free to ask your doctor about what complementary procedures would be most beneficial at the time of the consultation, or give the office a call and one of our knowledgeable staff will gladly assist you.

While the results of a MicroLaserPeel are immediate and long-lasting, it is important that patients take lasting care of their skin in order to ensure the best possible outcome. We recommend that patients avoid direct sunlight and wear sunscreen on their faces at all times. Furthermore, patients will be counseled on their skin care regimen. A proper and consistent routine is necessary for long-lasting effects and should include a moisturizer.
The cost of your MicroLaserPeel treatment will depend on your specific case and if you opt to receive additional treatments or procedures. Please feel free to schedule a private consultation to receive a quote.


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